Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Fascinations: 4 Things I Think I Need

For this edition of Friday Fascinations, I looked to the running world for the products I don't have but believe I "desperately" need!

1.  This Pro Stretch. It stretches your calves, your hamstrings aka all the places I get tight muscles. I plan on making this my very next fitness related purchase. Wait for my review coming up once I buy it. Ha ha!  You can use code ASDM20 for 20% off and maybe let me know how you like it?

2.  One day, I will do this race.  Right?  It appears to fall on or about mine and SD Dad's anniversary so one of these years, I will sign up for the lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon in Vancouver and we will have a race cation.  And those cute shorts you get with your race fees?  Who needs a tech tee?

3.  I want a gym membership.  But the closest gym to me is FIT.  It used to be Frog's Gym but they were bought out and now FIT is super expensive.  It would be so great to have access to group classes for all the cross training I will have to do for Marathon training!

4.  And finally, FreeWavz.  Holy Moly Cow!  Have you seen all the things this product does?  They started out with a KickStarter fund to raise money for production and they have surpassed their goal.  This is the next big thing!  Wireless, GPS, plays music, tracks your pace, your heart rate, oxygen saturation and voice coaching.  In one device.  And wireless.  Did I already say that?

So these are the items on my wish list.  What are some items on yours?  How cool are the above?  Anyone get into SeaWheeze 2015?  What about that calf stretcher?  Do you have a gym membership?  And those FreeWavz?  Yes please!

As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom


  1. Those FreeWavz? WHAAAAAAAT? How cool are those!

    1. Right? I am so excited that technology always comes up with new things!

  2. I have been seriously thinking about wireless headsets, but I am waiting until I decided which ones I really want. I will have a look at the post stretch plus. I did not know it.

  3. FreeWavz - wow! looks amazing!!! I gave up my gym membership and got outside- lost 15 pounds the first year! Have a great weekend!

    1. I refuse to run indoors but I need to start cross training.

  4. I want a pro stretch plus! It looks awesome!
