Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Fascinations - Happy Birthday to Me edition!

Hi!  Today I am 37 years old and I couldn't be happier about my life, my body and how far I have come. So today, I want to share the 6 (7!) most important things in my running arsenal. The things on my must have list - PERMANENTLY!

1.  My Shoes!  Yes. Hokas look weird. They look like moon shoes. They may even look like orthotics but to the initiated, these are a God send. You can run miles in them without feeling any foot pain. They aren't heavy. They are just heaven.

Pictured: The Hoka One One Conquests

2.  My Bra!  Weird that I am sharing a picture of my sports bra but hey, what would a best of post be without my Moving comfort Juno?  I have breasts on the bigger side and this bra holds me in without making it look like I have uni-boob!

Pictured: The Moving Comfort Juno

3.  My Visor!  Headsweats. Only Headweats. I have used some of the other brands out there and only Headsweats keep the sweat out of my eyes. And look at all the fun colors!  I also have a yellow one and a red one, in the wash!  Easy to clean too!

4.  My Socks!  I love compression socks! You already know that. I like wearing them the day before, during and after a race and my absolute hands down favorite brand is Crazy Compression. How can you not LOVE a brand that let's you design your own socks?!

5.  My pre and during race Nutrition!  I must have Vega Pre Workout Energizer 20-30 mins before a run and Nuun during my run. MUST!  I'm not sure what I would do without these.  I am so programmed to need these things!  And I truly feel better while running when I have these things!

6.  My Pants!  My Running Friends!  I had to cheat and make them both my #6.  Because they are pictured together.  I LOVE these pants.  They are so soft and dry and I could say this even after 8 miles!  And the colors are so much fun.  Check them out.  They have a gazillion fun prints!  And I LOVE these and all my friends from MRTT who have made running a BLAST!

Thank you for indulging me on my birthday by reading about my favorites!

So what are your must haves for running?  When is your birthday?  I would love a Happy Birthday comment below!

As always, I wish you Happy feet,
SD Mom


  1. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and a Wonderful Year!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  2. Happy birthday!! I have been thinking I want a visor but haven't purchased one yet. My Bball caps, although moisture whicking, my my head so hot on sunny days!
    I love Moving Comfort brand. I wear their running underwear. It's the only brand I tried and love them.

    1. You need a Headsweats visor! They are awesome. And also just ran in a Panache bra. Awesome!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! Well...I'd say you have a lot of great favorites! Running friends, Spandits, Headsweats, Crazy Compression, Nuun, and the Juno bra. I love all of those!!!!

    1. That is because we are kindred spirits! xo

  4. Happy birthday! Makes for a great Friday. Love the list!

  5. Happy happy birthday!

    We have a lot of the same favorites! Vega, Moving Comfort (the only bra I run in), and Head Sweats! Have a wonderful weekend!

    I would love for you to share your post with the Fitness Friday link up :) You can check it out here

    1. I absolutely would except I am on vacation with no access to a computer!

  6. Loving this list and that today is so special. Happy birthday Smitha! Hope it's a good one!

  7. Happy birthday homie! Hope you have a kick ass bday. Go celebrate and buy yourself a registration to your first fill mary! =)

  8. Have a great and awesome happy birthday! Will have to check out those pants!

  9. Happy happy birthday! Hope you're enjoying your day! I love Nunn too, and I just heard of Crazy Compression, I'll have to check them out. They seem more economical as far as compression socks go.

    1. Montana! Use my coupon code on my right hand side sidebar! They are awesome! I just wore them on the plane.

  10. I have the same sparkly Head Sweats visor in turquoise. Love it!

  11. Happy happy birthday Smitha! I LOVED your pants that you wore for your bday miles (seen on IG today)—those should be faves as well ;) but I think a good bra is a great sub. Have a fantastic weekend!

  12. Haha the last picture didn't load until after I had submitted the comment DISREGARD—I THINK YOU PICKS ARE FANTASTIC haha
