Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday GIVEAWAY Roundup!

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday GIVEAWAY Roundup! I go looking for GIVEAWAYS around the web and put them in one place so you don't have to. As always, I am entering these GIVEAWAYS too! So here we go!

1.  As always, I list my giveaway first but this time, I have two going on.  There is one for a 3-month subscription to Bulu Box (and a discount code for 50% off).

Enter this one here.

And this one for sunscreen and muscle repair cream from Endurance Shield!

Enter that one here.

2.  Julie from Run Walk FASTPASS Repeat is giving away a prize package in commemoration of the opening of the Disney Princess Half Registration.

Enter to win here.

3.  Jen from Running with the Girls and fellow Spandits team member is giving away an ice tea package from Teavana.

Enter to win here.

4.  Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner is giving away a $120 gift card to R-Wear from Road Runner Sports.

Enter to win here.

5.  Sharon from Mommy Runs It is giving away a pair of sports socks from Max Flow Sports.

Enter to win here.

6.  Tammy from Tammy's FitQuest is giving away a Bondi Band!

Check it out and enter to win here.

7.  Denise at Healthy Disney Family is giving away Energy Bits, the all natural one ingredient energy boost.

Enter to win here.

8.  Di, at Workout with Di, is giving away 2 entries to the Color Run!  How fun!

Enter to win here.

9.  Jenni from Fitzala is giving away a membership to Fitzala which includes weekly workouts and access to a personal trainer.

Enter to win here.

10.  Leslee from Her Happy Balance is giving away an ArmPocket Arm Band.

Enter to win here.

11.  Jennifer at Teacher in Training is giving away a pair of Lace Lockers.  Don't worry about your shoes coming untied during a race again.

Enter to win here.

12.  Gabi from Lean Green Island Girl is giving away Momentum jewelry - your choice of a Foot Note or Motivate Wrap. 

Enter to win here.

13.  Angelena at On Fire Fitness Healthy Living is giving away a Pretty Fit Althletics tank and a 4 week workout plan!

Enter to win here.

14.  Brienne at Lean Clean and Brie is giving away Soy Joy bars for your taste delight.

Enter to win here.

15.  As always, Erica at Erica Finds has multiple giveaways for you!  The first is for a box of Perfect Bars with 4 winners.  

Enter to win here.

She is also part of a Giveaway Hop with 12 other bloggers.  She is giving away a Fabletics outfit and / or Infinity Strap/DVD.

Enter to win here.

And finally, she has partnered up with e-Bibs to bring you an Instagram challenge and Giveaway!

Follow the instructions on the above picture for your chance to win!

16.  My sweet friend Carlee at CMCDot is giving away a pair of Pro Compression socks or sleeves in your choice of color.

Enter to win here.

She is also giving away Momentum jewelry!  A wrap or a foot note!

Enter to win that one here.

17.  Courtney from the Tri Girl Chronicles still has her giveaway going on for a water proof iPod shuffle from Audio Flood. 
Enter to win here.

18.  Becky from Disney in your Day is giving away a copy of the book, "The Runner's Guide to Walt Disney World."  I know a few of you who would love this!

Enter to win here.

19.  Mindy at Mindy's Fitness Journey is giving away a pair of SKORA running shoes!!!  You know you want to enter this one!

Enter here.

20.  Kristen from the Smith Summary is giving away a pair of Yurbuds!

Enter to win here.

21.  Diatta from Femme Fitale Fit Club is also giving away a pair of Yurbuds.  Look at that pretty color!

Enter here.

22.  Finally, Debbie from 14 in 2014 is giving away Sports Suds for your stinky laundry!  Trust me, you need it!

Enter here.

Well Readers!  There you have it!  22 Bloggers, 26 GIVEAWAYS!  BIGGEST ever ROUNDUP!  So tell, which ones will you enter?  And then as always, come back here and tell me which ones you won!

As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom

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