Friday, August 21, 2015

#FriendshipFridays: How I Met My Best Friend! #1

I am starting a new feature on this here little blog called #FriendshipFridays.  It is really simple.  Running isn't about exercise and fitness only anymore.  It is about being social and finding a community.  For example, see We Run Social!  Bloggers get to know other bloggers and become besties and I want to explore how that happens by interviewing different people.  So sit back and enjoy the stories of these Blends (Blogger Friends)!

First up is the wonderful friendship between Wendy, Karen, Penny, Sara & Michelle!

MIchelle, Sara, Wendy, Penny, and Karen, New Years Day 2015 run in Batavia

Wendy and her friends call themselves the #tribe. She first met Karen on her blog Trading in my Heels. Karen attended one of the Another Mother Runner Parties, where she met Sara (Cheesy Runner Mom), Michelle (This Momma Runs), and Penny (26.yikes). All 3 had a Facebook page at the time (Penny no longer does). Eventually all of them met at races, started communicating via FB or group chats, going out to dinner…and the rest is history!

Penny, Wendy and Michelle at Underground Polar Express fun Run in December 2014

Wendy says her besties are completely supportive of each other. It’s amazing. At one race last summer, the Zooma half marathon in the blazing Chicago heat, she wasn’t feeling very well at all. Karen got her started but after 5 miles, she had to make a pit stop and she told her to go ahead. Karen told Michelle how Wendy was feeling, and Michelle came back to run with her. She wouldn’t let her quit. They ran the rest of the race together, with the exception of the last mile, when Wendy told her to go ahead. Wendy made it across the finish line and they were all waiting for her! That’s inspiring.

Karen, Michelle, Wendy, and Sara at Zooma Chicago July 2014

 So, do you have a blogger bestie?  Would you like to be featured on an upcoming #FriendshipFridays?  I would love to hear the story of how YOU me your "Sole Mate!"

As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom


  1. Love it! Running besties are the best! I am meeting mine in 3 weeks for the Diva Peachtree race in Atlanta and I can't wait!

  2. This is awesome! I love this idea! I don't have a blogger bestie yet but maybe I will, now that I'm blogging!

  3. This is such an awesome new feature. Cant wait to read these friendship stories every Friday :)

  4. LOVE this new feature <3 I don't have a blogger bestie yet either but I have started to make some amazing friendships through social media in general :)

  5. I have a crew of running besties here - including blogging buddy Susie!

  6. This is great! I have a couple blogger buddies and they have been invaluable to me in my journey as a blogger. So thankful for them and love seeing features like this!

  7. OMG!!!!! I know all these wonderful gals!!!!!! There are no truer friends than RuNnEr FrIeNdS :-)
