Thursday, November 20, 2014

Spartan Races - Thoughts & a #GIVEAWAY

Well, well, well!  There is a category of fitness type things I won't do.  For example, you will never see me compete in a triathlon or an IronMan type event.  Only because I only know how to do the breast stroke.  I am not kidding!  Can you believe it?  When I learned how to swim, that is how I was taught.  I am not about to go embarrass myself in a body of water.

I would do an Ultra before I do a Tri and probably an Obstacle Course Race or OCR before I do a Tri.  The granddaddy of all OCRs is the Spartan Race Series.

I asked some of my fellow FitFluential bloggers about the appeal of OCRs.  Heather at Relentless Forward Commotion had this to say: "The thing I like about the Spartan series over the other obstacle course races is that it is competitive, and mentally AND physically challenging. It's FAR from the "fun-beer-and-mud-run" reputation so many other OCR's have been given. They are a true test of fitness, both strength and endurance. You learn to get "comfortable with being uncomfortable" pretty quick. They aren't for everyone, but I think everyone should at least TRY one."

Julianna Bananna wrote a recap of the SoCal Spartan Beast here.  She loves the physical challenge and just her and her shoes in the dirt.  

Ashley at Running Bun also did a recap here.  Again, "physically challenging and mentally rewarding."

I also spoke with Margaret at Dirt in Your Skirt who did a Las Vegas Spartan race recap here.  She writes about the experience as a whole being rewarding.

As a balance, I asked Axel from Iron Rogue for his opinion on Spartan Races and for various reasons, he didn't have a great race experience, mostly due to disorganization.  Read his recap here.

So where does that leave me?  Is this something I should even start to think about doing?  I am not sure I am there yet.  Maybe a itty bitty mud race first to get my feet wet dirty?

There sure are plenty of opportunities around me to try out a race.

Here are the next few races coming up:

Malibu 12/6
SoCal Beast 1/17
SoCal Sprint 1/18
SoCal Super 1/24
Arizona Sprint 2/7/15
Atlanta Sprint 3/7
Charlotte Sprint 4/11

So I am going to think on it and ponder long and hard about this.  But what about you?  Do you want to win a free entry to a Spartan Race?  Here is your chance!

No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited.
1 winner will be randomly selected via a random number generator.
Open to anyone 18 years of age or older, as long as you can get to the race location in the United States by the race date and time.
Valid for an open heat (non-confirmed start time) only.
Winner will notified via email (if available) and blog post, and will have 24 hours to claim prize.
If original winner does not claim prize within 24 hours an alternate winner will be selected.
Contestants must enter on the comments in order to win.
All winning entries will be verified. If a winning entry cannot be verified as completed, a new winner will be drawn.
You have until Thursday November 27th at Midnight Pacific Standard Time to enter.  Winner will be selected on Friday November 28, 2014.
Code for the free entry will be provided by Smitha (SD Mom). 

All you have to do is comment below with which location you would use your free Spartan entry on.  And tell me why you think I should do a Spartan race in the future!  If you don't win or don't want to wait, use code SPARTANBLOGGER for 10% off your entry fee.

Good Luck and as always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom


  1. This year I did the Spratan Sprint in Citi Field in NY and it was a blast. I would only do the stadium type races since I hate mud. I would eventually like to do the Fenway race as well.

  2. I hope to either do the Monterrey Beast or the Boston Super!! I started doing spartan races in 2012... it got me off the couch and got me thinking about my health overall. Why you should do one? Do you like meeting new people, challenging yourself and helping others in the processes? Yes? Then sign up :) I've met some AMAZING people on every Spartan course... many who are now some of my best friends. It's a great way to get a total body and mind workout!

  3. I love Spartan Race! I did 3 of them this year to earn me my Trifecta. I would love to go after a Trifecta again and would love to do their Chicago race again! P.S. You really need to do a Spartan Race. They are great!

  4. I'd love to win an entry to the Spartan Super in Vegas! I love the feeling of accomplishment after a Spartan race & you will too! Definitely give them a try, maybe stRt with the Sprint!

    1. So we have to do different obstacles and if you fail, you do a burpee right? I don't even know how to do a burpee. Baby steps!

  5. There is one in Massachusetts at Amesbury Park that my husband does every year. I would love to join him this year. My husband LOVES them, and he always has such fun - if nothing else, do it for the awesome photos you get afterwards! :)

    nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. If I tried everything just to say I did....haha! I guess I could win, "I Never..."

  7. I would love to do the Boston race!!

  8. I would love to do the SoCal Super. We live in Iowa that will be freezing in January. This would make a great family vacation. My wife and I have done a couple of spartan races and always spartan UP.

    1. BRRRRR! Is it freezing now? Are you effected by the Vortex at all? Is freezing mud bad news?

    2. It was in the teens this morning when I went out for a run. Nothing like doing some burpees in the snow!

    3. My goal is to get 3 trifecta's this year. A free entry would defiantly help!

  9. I've eyed this for a while. I'd love to do the Washington DC sprint that they announced recently. They like such a fun and challenging race. You should do it and Spartan UP!

  10. For me it would have to be the Indianapolis Sprint, only because with 3 kids in college right now, traveling to race isn't in our budget. Earlier this year I did the Spartan Workout Tour (recap at, and really enjoyed it. What could be more fun that burpees and hill sprints in the rain on a Saturday morning, right? It was definitely challenging, but I also liked the teamwork mentality. Never leave a Spartan behind - team members help each other through the obstacles. I definitely recommend the free Workout Tour if they come to your area

    1. Wow! Quite the endorsement. I will look it up and read your recap. Thanks!

  11. After finishing the Fenway Park last time out, I'd love to do that again.

  12. I'm in San Diego so of pick one of the Socal races. I've never participated in a Spartan race so I'm crossing my fingers with all of my might in hopes of winning!!

  13. One of the warm weather locations, like So Cal, would be ideal. I haven’t exactly stepped out of my comfort zone yet, but a Spartan sprint would be just the thing to make me do it.

  14. I did my first race in GA the beginning of the year. It Was a big accomplishment. I would never thought I would finish it but I did it.

  15. I would love to do the race they have in Vermont. I went this year and being from Texas, it was beautiful to see the Green Mountains. The steep climbs on the course were brutal but it was a very memorable experience with a ton of my friends. And that's why you should do a Spartan Race. The memories and bonds you begin to make in obstacle course racing can last a lifetime. Enjoy!

  16. I would like to use the free entry for Tampa.

  17. I would use my entry for AZ races.

  18. I have never done a spartan race and to be honest the thing that I would have a hard time with is wrapping my head around is how to deal with the mud, but I am up for new challenges both physically and mentally! I would probably do the DC location since it's in my backyard and winning this giveaway would force me to get over my distaste for mud haha! I think you should do a spartan race to give yourself a new challenge! :-)

  19. I would use it for the Sprint in Washougal, WA. I think you should do one to prove to yourself that you can! ❤️

  20. What a fabulous giveaway!!! I would do the race HERE, in sunny San Diego! I think you should run a Spartan Race because when you really push yourself to accomplish something, it's the most incredible, invigorating feeling when you can say you did it. I ran my first 5K two years ago and never have I felt more proud/sore/accomplished! Here is my email:

  21. I would love to do the Fenway Park race again! Did it twice and hope to next year too!

  22. I would love to participate in a Spartan Race. The Monterey event is in my hometown.

  23. SoCal!! I'd probably start out with the Sprint :p

    <3 Jamaica

    1. Congrats on the win, Jamaica. Also, cool first name.

  24. It would be the SoCal Sprint for me! I would also be willing to travel. Malibu or Arizona would also be fun and worth the drive.

  25. Absolutely try a Spartan Race! It's all about getting out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to expand your limits. Obstacle races are mental as well as physical challenges...there will be times when you think you can't do something and then you do and it's an amazing feeling!

    I'd use my entry for a Super, hopefully either in Miami or Jacksonville. Then I'd be one step closer to earning my trifecta!

  26. Which location? How 'bout Vermont? That's like the hub of the Spartan Race since the founder Joe lives there.
