I did the Remix challenge this weekend with some of my faves!
Quite a good showing of my Moms Run This Town crew, dontcha think?!
And any race I get to see Jamye and Jenn?! Best race ever! (More recap coming soon!)
I love reading recaps from other bloggers too. Its a great way to learn about different races, support other runners, and gain motivation. A recap is the final leg of the race. It’s a chance to relive your race and allow others some insight. The training miles, the race day jitters, the glory of crossing the finish line. the good - the bad - the ugly We want to hear it all….
Meet the hosts...
Jessica at The Silvah Lining: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Bloglovin'
Elle at keep it simpElle: Facebook| Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Bloglovin'
Smitha at Running with SD Mom: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Lauren at Breathe Deeply and Smile: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Google+ | Bloglovin' We'd love it if you'd follow us on all social media & let us know you've shared a post.
Featured post from last week...
Crystal (from Discovering Me in Them) and her dad ran the Vermont City Marathon Relay. There are two recaps from the Vermont City Marathon and Jessica from TheSilvahLining (your hostess) has added it to her "Race All 50" list. Crystal's story really moved me. She had an awesome race, got a PR and teamed up with her dad! How cool is that - I mean, check out their coordinating shirts! Read her recap here.
About this link up...
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.thesilvahlining.wordpress.com" title="The Silvah Lining"><img src="http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af296/jsilva814/race%20recap_zpsky3snowg.jpg" alt="The Silvah Lining" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Thank you for linking up this week - be sure to come back next week. If you are interested in being a guest host, fill out this form.
Tell me about your most recent race. Better yet, link up your post!
As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom
So so so excited for your race this past weekend. I just wish I could have been there--so badly! Congrats girl!