Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Fascinations - May 23

It has been such a fun week!  The Coronado Bridge run, Legoland trip, Blaze pizza, Meb at my work but I had to narrow it down and here are the things I am obsessed with this week!

1.  Today is D's Birthday so he is my number one fascination.  How is he 7 already?  We celebrated with a trip to Legoland last weekend.  So much fun!

He is all legs, that kid!

2.  I love cherry season and wish they weren't so darn expensive.  I am very stingy with these cherries and won't even let the kids near them.  The official line is "You may choke on the seeds."  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

3.  These socks.  When I am not wearing compression socks either to run in or recover in, you will find me in My Soxy Feet!

 None of the pairs match but that is the fun part!  Every sock sale sends a % to a different charity.  A % of sales from the United sock seen above goes to One Fund Boston!

4.   I decided that I must stop drinking beer for a while.  Too many calories and it makes me feel bloated.  So I am taking a break and I bought this one on a whim for just $4.99.  Decent everyday sipping table wine!

Not as thick as I like my Zins but it will do and the price?  Unbelievable!

5.  Instead of a regular foam roller, I have been using a Rumble Roller.  I recently started using a Beastie from Rumble Roller and it hurts so good!  You can really get into the sore muscle!

I will soon be giving one of these away for you to try!  

Have you tried any of the above?  What are you obsessed with this week?  I cannot believe my Baby D is 7!

As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom

1 comment:

  1. D is super tall! I always had super long legs growing up too! I hope he isn't as clumsy as I am ;)

    I love the Trader Joe's wines! I was surprised since they are cheap but there really isn't anything at TJ's that disappoints me ;) Have a great weekend!
