As you may know, America's Finest City Half Marathon or AFC Half is the final stop on the way to the Triple Crown. A means to an end so to speak. Otherwise, why would almost 8000 people do a race in the middle of August in San Diego?
Let's back up. I did the Carlsbad Half and then La Jolla with an injured hip (Egad! That hip again?!). I HAD to finish AFC and get that Triple Crown. So I set my "flat mamma" out. As usual: my Spandits top and capris, my Panache sports bra, my Headsweats visor, my new Fitsoks and my Hoka One One Conquests (but I did end up wearing the Bondis). Long story short, I couldn't get my timing chip on my Conquests because they have lock laces.
And then I was done. Faster than La Jolla (I was injured) but slower than Carlsbad. I don't know...
So yes. It was worth it. I really like the course and would have liked it to be in a colder month. Not August! Out of the three, I like the Carlsbad time frame the best. I really like the AFC course but here is a tip from me: Don't go thru the sprayers on Ash Street. You will get your shoes wet and it will cause blisters and chafing. Just smile and give the "OMBAC Rainforest" a wide berth. If you ever do this race, you will know what I mean!
What I would change about AFC:
1. The start time.
- No more 7:00 a.m. start time. It is inhumane. The sun is out at 6. Start at 6. Finishing this warm race at 8 is a lot better than finishing at 9!
2. The month.
- No more August. Why not October? Or November? Something cooler than August when there is NO MARINE LAYER!
But overall, I loved it. The course. The people. The scenery! My time was SLOW but so be it! All things considered, I am happy!
Tell me, does heat get you when you run? Is there a race you love which is jut in the wrong month?
As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom
My alarm was set for 3:30am so I could do my business and get to the parking and shuttles by 5:00 am. I was able to get on and was greeted by this sunrise at Cabrillo Monument.

Yes it was early but I didn't have to worry. There is a benefit in the getting everywhere early mentality. They couldn't start without me (could they?)!
I had my pre race breakfast. A slice of Trader Joes flax and chia seed bread with Nuttzo!
Then I was able to meet up with Inge and Aime. Love these ladies! Inge is one of the ones who convinced me to do the Triple Crown in the first place!
Then I met up with some more women from MRTT including Cecelia (who did the lululemon SeaWheeze in Vancouver the very next weekend!)!
The line to get into the line to get into the potties! This was a CF!
This is the start line. No corrals so you line up where you think was appropriate. This was a little weird for me. I had NO idea where my pace would be!
Here is the course. You can read my friend Shane's recap here since it was essentially my own run! But here is a little map of the course. Every Half goes the same for me. After about 5.5 miles, I think, "Wow! This is going by quick!" I do this EVERY TIME! Then when I got to the flat at Harbor Drive and we were running in the rental car lot, I felt like I was a fire brand being burned from the top and from the bottom thru the black top! ACK! Not OKAY!
I had to have my Vega Revovery right away. I could feel my self depleting.
I knew all things would be perfect because these 2 were on the course at Mile 12.5! Seriously! When I know these two and SD Dad are waiting towards the end, it keeps me going.
Then I got in line for the Triple Crown and had to take a pic with my friend Thia!
My whole family including my mom, my sis and my brother in law wanted to be in this pic. And I say, "Darn right! This is my moment!"
Here I am. I earned it!
And I was glad to give Shane a ride back to his car. He was hurting bad! He gosh darn better I hope he recovers soon before he has to pace me at Phoenix!
Me and family headed over to Islands after the race for a cold beer and SOUP (filled with salt and liquid)!
Now you tell me if there is anything better after a race than tortilla soup from Islands!
So yes. It was worth it. I really like the course and would have liked it to be in a colder month. Not August! Out of the three, I like the Carlsbad time frame the best. I really like the AFC course but here is a tip from me: Don't go thru the sprayers on Ash Street. You will get your shoes wet and it will cause blisters and chafing. Just smile and give the "OMBAC Rainforest" a wide berth. If you ever do this race, you will know what I mean!
What I would change about AFC:
1. The start time.
- No more 7:00 a.m. start time. It is inhumane. The sun is out at 6. Start at 6. Finishing this warm race at 8 is a lot better than finishing at 9!
2. The month.
- No more August. Why not October? Or November? Something cooler than August when there is NO MARINE LAYER!
But overall, I loved it. The course. The people. The scenery! My time was SLOW but so be it! All things considered, I am happy!
Tell me, does heat get you when you run? Is there a race you love which is jut in the wrong month?
As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom
Congrats!! :) Looks like you had so much fun!!! <3
ReplyDeleteIt was fun! HOT fun but fun! Ha ha
Deletethe heat KILLS me for a run. i'm watching the forecast like a hawk for this weekend in anaheim; i want good weather for my first half!
ReplyDeleteOOH the Disney Half! I can't wait to hear all about it!
DeleteCongrats!!!! I did the AFC5K, and plan on the half next year (triple crown 2015!) and I can't understand the late start time. It's just too hot. I was dying even during the 5K, with the 6:45 start, and I just can't imagine how all you amazing halfers did it. I ran the carlsbad half this year, and it really was a lot more pleasant.
ReplyDeleteDid they not have pacers during AFC?
No pacers, can you believe it? It is definitely the least organized overall compared to the other 2 Triple Crown races but the sense of accomplishment when you are done, feels amazing!
DeleteThat's crazy!!! I'm horrible at pacing myself, I need pacers!!! Maybe they'll take a hint for next year and get some, who knows! I can only hope...
DeleteYES! Keep me posted when you decide to do it! I want to hear all about it!
DeleteThis sounds amazing! I'm looking to triple crown or trifecta a couple events next year. Let me know if you plan on doing this again or another event. I'd love to join you!
ReplyDelete<3 Jamaica
That would be fun but I think I am done with all three Triple Crown races...(I say that now...)
DeleteI did that course years ago (early 80s)- I live in AZ so I am ok with the heat. I have missed some races that occur right when I have to go back to teaching...I need to retire I guess..
ReplyDeleteHow do you run now in the AZ heat?
Delete4:30 a.m. :-)
Delete4:30 a.m.
Delete4:30 a.m.