Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday GIVEAWAY Roundup!

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday GIVEAWAY Roundup! I go looking for GIVEAWAYS around the web and put them in one place so you don't have to. As always, I am entering these GIVEAWAYS too! So here we go! 

1.  As always, we start with mine.  You have about 48 hours left to win the super cute custom Flirt Skirt from Running Behind LLC and me!  

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/7!  If you don't want to wait to find out if you won, use coupon code SDMOM for $5.00 off a purchase of $25 or more!!  

2.  Next up is my good friend Shane aka Da Silent Assasin blogging over at Shoots Kden Aloha.  He is giving away a pair of footnotes or a motivate wrap from Momentum Jewelry!  Don't enter because I want to win this one!  HA HA!

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/8.

3.  Cassandra at Almost Getting it Together is giving away a KIND bar package on her blog.  She also has tips on how to survive a long flight.

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/6.

4.  Amanda at Just a Mom who Tris is giving away an awesome Beat the Heat fitness package including Nuun and Apera bags.  

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/13.

5.  Gabi at Lean Green Island Girl is giving away your choice of a One More Mile shirt!  Any one you choose.  I like WTF - Where's the Finish?!

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/18.

6.  Next up is a giveaway brought to you by Katie of and Lesley of through Instagram.  The Giveaway is for a tutu and headbands!

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/18.

7.  Aimee from Fun Fit Girl is giving away a few of her favorite things in celebration of her blog's 1st birthday.  What the prizes are will be revealed daily!  And go say Happy Blog Day to her!

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/29.

8.  Michelle at Run Bake Blog is giving away a entry to any Spartan race in the United States!  Are you tough enough?

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/10.

9.  Aly at Running with your Heart is giving away a sample variety pack of Fuel 100 Electro Bites.

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/15.

10.  Julie at Simply Julie! is giving away a Watkins prize package including all purpose wipes and menthol relief mist.

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/12.

11.  Jen at Girl, In Transition, is giving away Pralines & Cream flavor Formula1 Healthy Meal Shake (an Herbalife product) on her blog.

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/15.

12.  Sami from Go Go Mountain Girl is giving away an Area 13.1 Half Marathon Race Registration in Castle Rock, Colorado.  Run with Aliens!

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/10.

13.  Lex at Flecks of Lex is giving away various prizes including $50 gift card to shop with SIX:02 (a subsidiary of Foot Locker). Two people will win $50 gift cards for new athletic gear/accessories.  She is also giving away Energy Bits and other prizes. 

Enter to win here.  Ends 8/31.

14.  And finally, Erica at Erica Finds has 3 GIVEAWAYS for you this week!

First, $50 PayPal cash from Frugaa and you can enter that one here.  

Ends 8/15.

Next, she is giving away CEP Compression Progressive Run Socks with Merino and Dynamic Run Short Socks in New Colors.  Enter to win here.

Ends 8/15.

And last, she is giving away 2 Energy Bar Samplers including Thunderbird Energetica's new Gather Bars, Exo Bars and REV'D bars.  Enter to win here.

Ends 8/13.

So there you have it!  14 awesome Bloggers with 16 amazing GIVEAWAYS!  Which ones will you enter?  Make sure to come back here and tell me if you win!

As always, I wish you Happy Feet,
SD Mom